Friday, April 23, 2021


 The websites cited are not well known so in a crowded field of cable news, web sites and podcasts they do not have a strong voice. Most people follow a small number of popular shows and personalities making it difficult for new or obscure sites to get popular. On the other hand, mainstream news sources would not be considered anti-war.

The mainstream news sources today are almost all biased and there are a lot of popular sources that are opinion sites. Conservative sites and channels have generally favored the military and military interventions that would presumably make the United States stronger or safer. Liberal sources have historically leaned more anti-war but favor military interventions when Democrats hold power. Many politicians and people in the political class can benefit from defense spending. Historically mainstream news has favored the military, and this is a reflection of the parties in power and popular American opinions at the time. That has started to change in recent years as people have become tired of years of fighting in the Middle east.

I disagree that you need to find obscure websites to hear strong anti-war voices. Some of the most popular right wing and left-wing commentators are anti- war. For example, Tucker Carlson is one of the highest rated news shows and has been critical of military action in the Middle East during the Trump and Biden administrations. Even pro military politicians like Donald Trump are leading a new group of populists that are against military interventions.  Democrats are generally less favorable to the military especially related to spending and the far-Left wing of the party is very anti-military and anti-war. There is still strong support for the military, but many mainstream news sites have become much more critical of war in recent years.

Tucker Carlson: Biden's Syria strike shows the folly of Establishment 'counter-terrorism' | Fox News

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