Monday, April 26, 2021

Diffusion of Innovations

 The beginning of Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovation (or Ideas) diagram would start in 2011 when talking about the mobile app Snapchat. Three guys named Evan Spiegel, Reggie Brown, and Bobby Murphy all collaborated to invent what we now know as Snapchat which debuted in 2011. Those three guys and the first couple hundred people to actually test it out would be considered the pioneers. In 2012 they reached 10 million active users who would be the early adopters of this app. Snapchat quickly became very popular and only kept growing. I think it could be debated when the early majority started using this app but I would say it was in 2016 when they reached 82.1 million users and became one of the most popular apps in the United States. The late adoptors in my opinion would be the people from around 2019 to now who are just starting to use the app because in 2019 Snapchat reached around 218 million users and kept slowly going up from there. Although many people use Snapchat a lot there are still a good amount of people who are mostly older in age who would be considered laggards.

 Being a Snapchat user myself I can see both sides as to why so many people like and use this app and those who don’t use it at all. Snapchat is basically just another form of communication and a way to connect with friends and family which we already have so many apps that allow us to do that, but people such as teens and younger kids love that sort of thing while more older people prefer to connect with people in person or will just refer to other forms of communication such as texting or calling. One reason why I think Snapchat caught on and spread so fast is because it is targeted mostly towards teens and young adults. That group of people already uses their phones a lot as a way to connect and communicate with people and Snapchat allowed them to do just that but made it a little different from the conventional ways. Once the early majority started using Snapchat it sort of became its own form of communication. To this day there are some people who solely use Snapchat to communicate with friends, instead of texting or calling, instead they do it all through that app. On the other hand I also understand why there are people who do not use this app at all. Snapchat is not that different from what texting and other apps allow you to do so I can see why people don’t want to use it or don’t think it is necessary. Also since Snapchat allows you to send people pictures that disappear after opening people can send inappropriate pictures and content and can get away with it easily which can also contributes to why some people don’t like or use the app.


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